
谢谢你成为我在职场里最终的大老板。 谢谢你赐给我智慧和勇气在我的工作中去活出下面的六个M:
1. Model 效法基督的样式,而不是穿着狼皮随波逐流
2. Make 盡我所能做好手上的工作,把剩下的結果交託給主。 而不是去做一个平庸的员工。
3. Minister 用恩典和爱去对待别人,而不是怒气和报复。
4. Mold 去塑造办公室里的文化,而不是受到消极的办公室政治的影响。
5. Mouthpiece 成为真理和公义的代言人,而不是隐藏自己的基督信仰。
6. Messenger 成为福音的使者,而不是错失机会去分享我盼望的缘由。
求主帮助我找到自己在基督里的身份,是你所拣选的子民,君尊的祭司,圣洁的国度,而不是通过我的薪资, 职位和他人的肯定来定义自己。
求主提醒我每一天都带着耶稣去工作。 为耶稣保留一个空的位子来作为对自己的提醒。 让主日的祝福来取代礼拜一的忧郁。 感谢神,今天是礼拜一,让我迎接每一个挑战来实践我在属灵上的操练,与圣灵同行,住在基督里就好像葡萄树和枝子,遵循你的话语,让你的话语成为我脚前的灯,路上的光。
求主装备我,作为全职的双职职场宣教士来忠心地服事你。 和职场上的基督徒同事一起祷告,建立基督徒团契来成为职场上的光,来荣耀神并且成为别人的祝福。
Bi-Vocational Workplace Minister Prayer
Please pray with me in your heart, make this prayer personal and real if this aligns with your commitment to the Lord.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving me, for sending your Son Jesus to die for my sins, calling me out of darkness into the wonderful light.
Thank you for being my ultimate CEO in my workplace, for blessing me with wisdom and courage to live out these 6M at work:
1. Model Christlike character, instead of wearing a wolf skin going with the flow in the world.
2. Make good work doing my best and trusting God for the rest, instead of being a mediocre worker.
3. Minister grace and love, instead of getting mad and getting even.
4. Mold the culture in the office, instead of reacting to negative politics.
5. Mouthpiece for the truth and justice, instead of hiding my Christian faith as a secret agent.
6. Messenger of the gospel, instead of missing the opportunity to give the reason for my hope.
Help me Lord to find my identity in Christ, as your chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, instead of defining my identity by my salary and title, by seeking people’s approval.
Remind me Lord to take Jesus to work every day, keep that empty seat for Jesus as a reminder, connect my Sunday blessings to replace my Monday blues, thank God it’s Monday, embrace every challenge as an opportunity to exercise my spiritual discipline, walk in step with the Holy Spirit, abide in Christ as the Vine and the branches, obey your Word as a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.
Equip me Lord to serve you faithfully as a full time bi-vocational workplace minister, pray with fellow Christians at work, set up Christian Fellowship as the Light in the workplace, glorify God and bless others.
In Jesus precious and holy name I pray, amen.