Co-Workers are Not Projects: Evangelizing in the Workplace
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Evangelizing at work. It gets a lot of bad press. What are some ways to do it Biblically and gracefully? Bill Peel of the Center for Faith and Work has some good tips for us all to think about in a series of three articles at the blog MISSION:WORK on Patheos:
Is Sharing Your Faith Ever Appropriate?
Talking About Christ Without Being a Jerk
Read more about how to be salt and light in the world of work here, in the Theology of Work Project commentary on the book of Matthew.
Read more about how to share your faith at work in our article, Evangelism - Sharing the Gospel at Work.
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Explore what Matthew says about the kingdom of God and your work. The lessons in each chapter are great for small group or individual study. Lessons include scripture references, reflections questions and prayer.

(Volume 4: Matthew-Acts) What does the Bible have to say about work? This one-of-a-kind Bible resource answers that very question.
If you like reading the Theology of Work Bible Commentary free online, you might enjoy it in print!
Contributors: Bill Peel
Published by The High Calling, September 22, 2016. Image by
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