

In loving memory of Nancy Erisman the Theology of Work Project is receiving donations to the Nancy Erisman Memorial Fund until Sept 1, 2024. If you wish to donate to this fund, please donate below using Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Donate by Check, or DAF Direct. Include "Nancy Erisman Memorial Fund" in special instructions, what the donation is for, check memo, or your DAF's "in memory of" box. Nancy was a contributor to the TOW Bible Commentary and an advisor, supporter, promoter and dear friend of the TOW Project. She died on June 29, 2024. Rest in peace in the loving arms of our Savior, beloved Nancy.

The Theology of Work Project is a non-profit organization (EIN: 76-0842532) that helps people connect with God's purposes for their work. Every resource on our site was made possible through the financial support of people like you. With your gift of any size, you’ll enable us to continue equipping workplace Christians with high-quality biblically-based content.

Theology of Work Project by the Numbers

  • People served: 8 million people each year
  • Resources: Explore how over 1,000 passages of Scripture relate to work
  • Our goal: Equip 1 billion working Christians around the world to apply the Bible to every day work
  • Amount we charge people to access our resources: $0

We ask that you prayerfully consider joining us in this work!

Donate Online

Option 1 (Preferred): Pay Pal Giving Fund

This method allows the Theology of Work Project to receive your full donation without any fees deducted. It will work in the United States and some other countries. If it does not work for you, please use Option 2 or Option 3.

  • Donate via a bank account, credit card, or debit card
  • Requires a PayPal account
  • Click the donate button below and then on the next page click the blue “Donate” button.
Donate with PayPal Giving Fund

Option 2: Credit or Debit Card Donation

  • Donate via a credit card or debit card
  • Does not require a PayPal account
  • Click the donate button below and then on the next page click “Donate with Debit or Credit Card.”
  • NOTE: If you receive the error message “Donations to this recipient aren't supported in this country” when you “Select your Country/Region,” please instead use Option 3 below

Option 3: Send money to the Theology of Work Project as "Payment for Goods and Services"

  • Choose this option if you are unable to use Option 1 or Option 2, for example if you get an error message such as “Donations to this recipient aren't supported in this country.”
  • Requires a PayPal account.
  • Works in almost every country (see list here)
  • Click this link and then on the next page click "Send"

Give by Check

If you'd like to mail a contribution, checks can be made out to Theology of Work Project and mailed to:

Theology of Work Project
15 Notre Dame Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States of America

Shop at the Theology of Work Project Bookstore

The Theology of Work Project bookstore (operated in partnership with Christian Book Distributors) has great prices and a selection of over 500,000 Christian books and materials, including works by the TOW Project itself. TOW receives a generous percentage of your purchase, so please make it your first stop for Christian resources!

Donate through a Donor Advised Fund

If you have a donor advised fund (you'll know if you do), you may be able to donate directly to us by using the following link: DAF Direct

Donate Stock

We are happy to accept direct donations of stock. Please click this link to make a stock donation directly from yourself to the Theology of Work Project: Donate Stock to Theology of Work Project. (Do not use this link if you are donating from a Donor Advised Fund. Use the "DAF Direct" link above for that.)
