In Praise of The Creator (Poem)
Prayer / Produced by partner of TOW
Creator God,
let there be light
to remind us that darkness has been conquered
and love has filled the universe
in the face of Jesus Christ.
Let there be sky
to draw our gaze in fear and wonder
displaying in cloud and thunder, rainbow and rain
our dependence upon your overarching care.
Let there be sun, moon and stars
to give us an appetite for eternity
and to warn us of the limits of our knowledge and pride.
Let there be earth
for us to respect and love
as we seek to conserve its energy and resources
for children yet to come.
Let there be fish and animals
to be partners with us on the earth
sharing our land, sea and air.
Let there be people
who as your creatures
have not lost their sense of dependence
and who are creators and responsible protectors of life.
Let there be rest
offering us the opportunity
for reflection and worship, recreation and refreshment
with time to remember
that a new creation has been forgivingly provided
in Jesus Christ.
(URC 1986 Prayer Handbook [c.] )
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- Prayer Material About Work for Church Services
Image by wolfgang foto / Flickr . Used with Permission.
Excerpted from “Work in Worship (Revised edition 1997): A collection of material for those compiling ‘work theme’ services. Compiled and edited by David Welbourn, Industrial Christian Fellowship. Used by permission. The Theology of Work Project does not control copyright for this material.