I Believe in God Who Helps Us Through the Tension and Uncertainty of Daily Work (Prayer)
Prayer / Produced by partner of TOW
I believe in God the Father, Maker of the Universe.
He gives unity and order to all created things.
He gives us the resources of the earth to sustain human life.
He enables us to share in the continuing work of creation, as we exercise our vision and our skill.
I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
He worked as a carpenter and gave value to all human labour.
He cared for people at their point of need.
He died because of human hatred and jealousy.
He rose to new life and is alive today.
I believe in the Holy Spirit.
He makes Jesus Christ real to us.
He inspires us to follow the pattern of Jesus' life.
He helps us through the tension and uncertainty of our daily work.
He gives us hope for the future along with other Christians
(No 83 of Work in Worship 1985)
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Table of Contents
- Prayer Material About Work for Church Services
- Creeds About Work
- I Believe in God Who Helps Us Through the Tension and Uncertainty of Daily Work (Prayer)
- Intercessions About Work
Image by Omari Harebin / Unsplash . Used with Permission.
Excerpted from “Work in Worship (Revised edition 1997): A collection of material for those compiling ‘work theme’ services. Compiled and edited by David Welbourn, Industrial Christian Fellowship. Used by permission. The Theology of Work Project does not control copyright for this material.