Sermons About Work
Worship / Produced by partner of TOW
1. The Worth of All Work (Sermon Notes)
"Don't tell me that I am doing work of any social value like people who work in the Health Service - I only...
2. Address by the Archbishop of Canterbury (Sermon Notes)
An archbishop receives many invitations to preach but rarely at services thanking God for the achievements of British industry. That is why I...
More Address by the Archbishop of Canterbury (Sermon Notes) >
3. Offering Our Work to God in the Sacrament (Sermon Notes)
Bread and wine, both described as "the work of human hands", both offered to God. In using these words, our Christian forebears were...
More Offering Our Work to God in the Sacrament (Sermon Notes) >
4. All Work in His Service (Sermon Notes)
The title of this address is All Work in His Service. Perhaps you are thinking there ought to be a question- mark at...
5. Restoring Fellowship in Unemployment (Sermon Notes)
During the war, in 1942, the person who was then Archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, published a book called Christianity and Social Order...
6. Church Support for the Unemployed (Sermon Notes)
"What do you do?", or even more revealingly, "What are you?" - that's the sort of question that adults almost invariably put to...
7. From Chaos to Creation (Sermon Notes)
Three men - a lawyer, an architect and a politician - were arguing about whose was the oldest profession. Mine is, said the...
8. Industry and the Work of God (Sermon Notes)
How is God at work in industry? How should a Christian regard the world of work? In the first place, we are surely...
9. Work in God’s Plan (Sermon Notes)
Our starting point is the word or term "work". It is extremely difficult to define "work". In fact the present Pope, with all his expertise, draws back from seeking to establish a definition in his...
10. John 21:1-14 (Sermon Notes)
It may well have been a sense of anti-climax which prompted Peter to decide he was going fishing. Certainly, he'd experienced the excitement of Easter Sunday, he had seen the risen Lord, but where was...
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Table of Contents
- Prayer Material About Work for Church Services
- Sermons About Work
Image by Antranias / Pixabay . Used with Permission.
Excerpted from “Work in Worship (Revised edition 1997): A collection of material for those compiling ‘work theme’ services. Compiled and edited by David Welbourn, Industrial Christian Fellowship. Used by permission. The Theology of Work Project does not control copyright for this material.