
3 Phases to Launch a Faith-Based Employee Resource Group (ERG)

Article / Produced by TOW Project and Partners
3 phases to launch a faith based employee resource group

There are 3 phases to a successful launch strategy for new Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).


  1. EVALUATE A critical phase before you put any boots to the ground. What is the state of faith in your company? Are there any rules and procedures in place? What about your own solidity in faith? The answers to these questions will help determine your next steps.
  2. DEVELOP Build grassroots participation in and approval for your group. This is the most important “off the radar” step in growing your group. Who are your supporters? What is your mission? This is critical to making sure other employees will want to join you and find value in staying.
  3. LAUNCH Set a calendar and create a plan for introducing your ERG to your wider organization. In this stage you leverage best practices in marketing and communications to make sure other people at your company understand your purpose and value.