Personal Spiritual Health Questionnaire
Article / Produced by TOW Project and Partners
This questionnaire will help you evaluate your current spiritual health. This is an essential step before leading others in a faith-based group.
- How strong is your day-to-day connection to God?
- Very connected to God
- Somewhat connected to God
- Neutral - sometimes connected and sometimes disconnected
- Somewhat disconnected to God
- Not at all connected to God
- How strong is your feeling of calling?
- I feel called to my day-to-day work
- I’m trying to discern a sense of calling
- I feel called to faith but not to my particular work
- I don’t feel a calling
- I’ve never thought about calling before
- Do you find joy in life?
- I feel great joy in my life and in my work
- I often feel joy in my personal pursuits, but not in my work
- I sometimes feel joy
- I rarely feel joy
- I can’t remember the last time I felt joy
- How often do you pray?
- I’m always praying
- I pray several times throughout the day
- I pray in the morning or at bedtime, but rarely during the day
- Sometimes I pray once or twice a day
- I hardly remember to pray
- How often do you pray ABOUT YOUR WORK?
- I’m always praying about my work
- I pray about my work before I start my workday
- I pray when I encounter a big problem at work
- I hardly remember to pray about my work
- I’ve never prayed about my work
- How often do you meet with other Christians?
- I meet with Christians on a weekly basis to talk about life and get support
- I meet with Christians on a weekly basis to socialize
- I meet with other Chistians sporadically
- I used to meet with other Christians regularly, but I don’t do it now
- I don’t talk with other Christians
- How often does scripture come into your mind?
- Often a verse of scripture pops into my head relating to the situation I’m in
- When I face a problem, I look to scripture to give me inspiration
- I read scripture in the morning and it starts my day off right
- I hear scripture only at church on Sundays
- I haven’t read scripture in a long time
- Do you show excellence in your work?
- I strive to do the best I can in my work
- I don’t always give it my all, but I have a good track record at work
- I work hard when I need to, but I slack off at other times
- I do the bare minimum I need to do to get by at work
- Other people see problems in my work
- Do you help others in your workplace?
- I go above and beyond to help other people in my workplace
- I have several people I regularly advise or mentor at work
- I have some close connections at work
- I am polite at work but I mostly keep to myself
- I actively dislike my coworkers
- How much do you value money?
- I want to succeed to further God’s purposes in the world
- I want money for safety and security
- I want to impress other people with my wealth
- I care about money more than anything else