
What to Do Before You Launch a Faith-Based Employee Resource Group (ERG) Checklist

Article / Produced by TOW Project and Partners
Checklist on what to do before you launch a faith based employee resource group

Once you have assessed the lay of the land in your organization, and fleshed out your messaging, it’s time to develop the framework you’ll use to launch your ERG. The checklist below provides a foundational list of components. You can add to it based on your unique context as you learn about the D&I structures available to you. Do these things before presenting your proposal to executives, D&I Team, and key stakeholders.


  • Mission Statement for your ERG.
    • Answer the question: What is your value-add? How will your ERG benefit the company?
  • Proposed Team Structure.
    • Global, Regional or Localized? What core leadership functions are needed? Who will handle member engagement? Follow-up with new leads? Manage communications? Measure community impact?
  • Proposed calendar of events.
    • Plan at least 6 months of programming. What is the desired outcome for each event? Format for each event? Include at least one event with one or more other ERGs (especially non faith-based groups) to build bridges and solidify your ERG’s place at the table.
  • Measures of Success.
    • What KPIs will you measure for success? Attendance? Leadership growth? Number of events? Community impact?
  • Guiding Principles and Rules of Engagement.
    • What guardrails will proactively reduce risk of inflammatory behaviors? Get clear on who your ERG is and who your ERG is not.. Always bring it back to the mission.
  • Testimonial Bank.
    • Document quotes from other employees around the impact this group would have on their engagement, growth, and productivity. Capture all positive soundbites to reference early and often. Don’t underestimate the power of story!


  • Executive Sponsor(s)
  • D&I Leads
  • Other ERG Leaders (i.e. Pride, Womens, etc)
  • Additional key stakeholders