Every Investment has an Impact, what's yours? Faith Driven Investor is a movement of fund managers, investors and leaders who believe that...
The Faith Driven Investor podcast features episodes tailored for fund managers, investors, business owners, and pastors who...
What should you do with your money? Should you save? Invest? Give it away? These questions have...
One of Jesus’ most significant parables regarding work is set in the context of investments (Matt. 25:14-30). A rich man delegates the...
Deuteronomy requires owners of productive assets to employ them to benefit the community, and it does so in a clear-headed way. For...
This may seem like an odd pairing. Who could argue with the prohibition against robbery? But how...
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1-13) The key to security about the things we need is not anxious earning and...
The parable of the ten minas (“pounds” in the NRSV translation) is set in the workplace of high finance. A rich —...
The action of the Book of Ruth centers around gleaning, which was one of the most important...
Perhaps it would be possible to work out what is best to do in life if it were possible to know what...
One of the challenges we face in work is the temptation to put self and family ahead of society. The prophet Haggai...
By the grace of God I am who I am. How then can I, as the unique person God has made me...
“Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity.” Proverbs 21:5a (NLT)Two summers ago, I helped our 12-year-old daughter, Jessica, and 10-year-old-son, Shawn...
On today’s episode of Faith Driven Investor, we’re talking to an expert on capital, influence, and how...
Our friend Frank Chen stopped by the Faith Driven Investor podcast to talk about how he’s helping...
Today we are talking to Robert Netzly, President & CEO of Inspire Investing. If you’ve been following...
“The goal is not to grow an organization—it’s to build the Kingdom of God.” Now, if you’ve...
When we first learned about Apartment Life it sounded too good to be true. The work they...
Today’s episode takes us to jail. Well...not exactly. But we are interviewing a man who owns and operates a business that is...
Today’s episode finds us all the way down under—in Australia with our guest Tim Macready. Tim is Chief Investment Officer at Christian...
Faith-Based Employee Resource Groups. This term may be new to you, or it may be something you’re...
Today, we have not one special guest but two for you to hear from. We are talking...
What a blessing to be in this room. A room of Christ-followers who share a common faith in God as sovereign over...
by Jerry Bowyer I wrote several months ago about New Testament scholar (read here and here), Ben Witherington III, and his book...
by Aimee Minnich Brittany Underwood built Akola from nothing — each item of jewelry handmade in Uganda and distributed through their warehouse in the States where most jobs are held by women recently...
by Jerry Bowyer “Before we can even ask how things might go wrong, we must first explain how they could ever go right.” These words from Friederich August Hayek, the Australian-born economist who...
by Robert Netzly Intel Corporation [ticker: INTC] is the largest semiconductor chip manufacturer in the United States (second largest in the world...
by Tom Blaisdell Much of the capital available to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) around the world, especially in the U.S., is...
by Tom Nelson Can we be faithful without being fruitful? It is a crucial question for each one of us to ponder...
Henry Kaestner is Chairman of Sovereign Capital, an investment firm he co-founded in 2011 that focuses on...
Is it possible for our faith to influence how we invest? And if so, what would that look like? There’s a movement...
All kinds of investors—from the rich young ruler to the widow and her mite—have the ability to affect change. How and where...
How do we take the principles of a Faith Driven Investor and put them into practice? Well, there are three habits, three...
Pete Kelly and the team at Apartment Life have taken God’s command to love thy neighbor and turned it into an opportunity...
Everywhere we look, there are people in need. Few groups understand this dilemma better than Pete Kelly and the team at Apartment...
Managing and developing real estate comes with its own unique set of challenges. Thankfully, Pete Kelly and the team at Apartment Life...
You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority. Psalm 8:4 At this time of year, many churches focus on stewardship. For sixteen years as pastor of Irvine...
God has given us talents and skills to multiply good in the world. May the goodness of...
That we may generate wealth, distribute it with justice and enhance the well-being and common good of...