
Litany for The Ministry of the Laity (Prayer)

Devotional / Produced by partner of TOW

This litany was developed by J. Fletcher Lowe, Jr.

Officiant: Let us thank God for those persons who have responded to Christ's call to serve him in the world.

People: Lord, we know that you call us to serve our neighbor in love in the world in which we live.

Officiant: For those who seek both to glorify you and to help their neighbor through their work.

People: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

For those who are actively involved in the political process of our community, state, and nation: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

For those who work for social justice, fair housing, and equal opportunity for both sexes and all races: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

For those who work to make our community a safe and pleasant place to live-engineers, bakers, contractors, architects, fire and police personnel: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

For those who serve as homemakers, providing care, nourishment, and a secure haven for families: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

For those who teach and care for our children, both salaried staff and volunteer aids: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

For those who minister to the sick as medical professionals, as visitors or volunteers: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

For those who visit the lonely and the shut-in, and for those who find time to listen to the troubled and distressed: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

For those who serve the hungry, the homeless, and the unemployed: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

For all those whose labor and effort are unseen and unsung, but who carry Christ's ministry in the world: We give you thanks, 0 Lord.

Let us thank God for the love we have experienced in Christ Jesus, who motivates and empowers us to serve others in his name.

People: O Lord, we recall the words of your Son when he said, "I came not to be served, but to serve." He saw our needs and he ministered to us in love. We thank you for calling us to follow in his footsteps. We ask you to work through us, and help us always to work for you. Keep our eyes open to the possibilities around us; grant us strength and courage to serve Christ and others. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.