Israel's leaders are indicted for their failure to care for the nation. Ezekiel 34 uses the metaphor of shepherding to illustrate how...
In the first part of Ezekiel 34, God rebukes the "shepherds" of Israel for pursuing their own interests rather than those of the people they were to serve. Their selfishness and injustice led to...
I can still remember Mrs. Merrill calling the first-graders to worship in the Sunday School of Hollywood Presbyterian Church. Quoting from the King James version of prophet Habakkuk, Mrs. Merrill...
Know that the LORD is God—he made us; we belong to him. We are his people, the sheep of his own pasture. Psalms 100:3 I’ll never forget my first baseball uniform. As a...
Where do you worship? When I ask Christian businesspeople that question, I always get the same answer—the church they attend on Sundays. And no wonder. On Sunday mornings, we go to worship...
Where does worship lead? When we gather together as the people of God to offer praise, thanks, and worship to our Lord, where does this take us? What happens in us and to...
Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the LORD our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the flock under his care. Psalm...
God's restoring work involves human beings both as recipients of grace and as participants in the work.
Full Christianity: Doing, Thinking, and Being (Click here to read) In this daily reflection from The High Calling Mark Roberts considers how...
As you may recall, I'm in the process of writing a commentary on Ephesians for a series that will be published by Zondervan. When I began reflecting on Ephesians, I invited you to...
As you may recall, I have suggested that we set aside the two weeks prior to Thanksgiving Day in the United States...
The phrase "in a nutshell" means something like "in a very brief summary" or "in very few words." Some scholars trace the English use of this phrase to William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. In Act 2,...
As we saw in Wednesday's reflection, faith is one of the essential elements of the Christian life, something you'd be sure to include if you were to summarize Christian living "in a nutshell." But...
In last Friday's reflection, we began considering the question "What is faith?" We saw that, contrary to the common notion of faith as something contrary to reason, Christian faith is reasonable,...
Jesus’ final teaching in this section examines how we treat those in need. In this account, when Jesus returns in his glory...
“Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, ...