The next section of Acts moves the Christian community, by the power of the Spirit, across cultural barriers as the gospel of...
One day, sitting in my office writing something—probably a student's letter of recommendation—words came to my imagination: "I only want to sew, to have my hands in the threads." I jotted them...
While we seek to honor God in our work, this does not mean the road will be easy.
The Lord is my pace-setter, I shall not rush.
Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved Scriptures in the world, but early Hebrews probably found it hard to swallow. God a shepherd? Definitely not kosher.
God’s plan to advance his kingdom, however, takes a surprising turn: before deliverance comes disaster. Yet it is perhaps not so surprising...
Learning to Save My Students Instead of Judging Them (Click Here to Read) An encounter with the words of Jesus in John 12 encourages a teacher to change his approach to his relationship...