
You’re Invited! Vision New Normal: Your Work as GlobaLocal Mission - Free Virtual Conference Nov. 7 & 14

News and Events / Produced by TOW Project and Partners
Dubai globalocal photo

As remote work becomes the new normal, we want to mobilize Christ-followers in the workplace to reach the largest mission field: the globalocal workplace where the real and virtual have merged. Vision New Normal is a free virtual conference sponsored by Called to Work, GoLiveServe, and Theology of Work Project.

Saturday, November 7th and 14th, 10am-12:30pm PT

Register Before Nov. 4

Conference Speakers

Our 13 speakers include a public company CEO, high tech professionals, corporate executives, a grade school teacher, a dietitian and a MFT counselor. Speakers include: Pat Gelsinger (VMWare CEO), Sue Warnke (Salesforce Senior Director of Content Experience), and Elaine Kung (AT&T Former Director). See below for a complete list of speakers.

Conference Schedule

Saturday, November 7th and 14th, 10am-12:30pm PT

The conference will have 4 panels; each will have time for Q&A.

At 12pm on each day of the conference, there will be small group breakout discussions facilitated by church leaders. Those who are not registered as members of a church group will be assigned to small groups organized by the conference. We encourage you to invite friends from church to join you for this experience!

Saturday, Nov. 7th, 10am - 12:30pm PT: Your Work as Local Mission

Living Your Faith at WorkPanel and Q&A

  • Called to Work: It Matters to God (Elaine Kung, former AT&T director, Called to Work founder)
  • Advocate Equity for Justice & Love (Megan Foster-Nguyen, grade school teacher of underpriveleged children)
  • Faith & Identity: Living Out Your Authentic Self at Work (Denise Yohn, brand consultant, Faith & Work Journey founder)
  • A Visible Faith of Leaders in a Multicultural Workplace (Pat Gelsinger, VMware VEO, speaker & athor on Faith & Work)

Reaching Others at WorkPanel and Q&A

  • Reaching and Learning from Others (Rijo Simons, VMware engineer)
  • Loving & Serving: The Great Commandment & The Great Commission (Pauline Auyeung, renal dietitian)
  • Having Respective Faith Conversations at Work (Sue Warnke, Salesforce Senior Director of Content Experience)

Saturday, Nov. 14th, 10am-12:30pm PT: Your Work as Global Mission

Your Work Could Make a DifferencePanel and Q&A

  • The Power of Faith, Tech & Personal Calling (Jessica C., social media company brand strategist)
  • Every Corner & Every Screen: Advancing Missions in Digital Frontiers (Alex Shih, Slack group product lead)
  • Reaching Next Generation Leaders in 10/40 Tech Capitals (Lan H., high tech company senior R&D manager)

Your Career Could Reach the WorldPanel & Q&A

  • Going Where Missionaries Cannot with Your Profession (Jim Y., healthcare company software engineering manager)
  • Purposing Your International Career for Missions (Jamie S., Fortune 500 Company data analytics project manager)
  • Serving Overseas—Counting the Cost & the Blessings (Fernando L., hospital marriage & family therapist)

Register BEFORE NOV. 4

Co-organizing Churches

  • Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, Seattle WA
  • Home of Christ, Neward, CA
  • Lord's Grace Christian Church, Mountain View, CA
  • Northeast Christians at Work, Vernon Rockville, CT
  • San Diego Chinese Evangelical Church, San Diego, CA
  • San Francisco Chinese Alliance Church, San Francisco, CA
  • Sunset Christian Church, San Francisco, CA
  • Village Church Hampden, Baltimore, MD
  • West Chester Community Evangelical Church, West Chester, PA
  • West Houston Chinese Church, Houston, TX

Register Now