Contemporary concern about climate change arises from the observation that human activities are altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere and the inference that this is significantly and dangerously shifting global climatic patterns.
We look in vain in the Bible for laypersons in the sense of untrained, unequipped and not-called.
To be civil is to be courteous and respectful.
Civil disobedience means breaking the law nonviolently for conscientious reasons.
The city is a fascinating, complex and dominating fact of contemporary life.
To be a citizen is to hold a political office: not an elected office, to be sure, but an important office of public responsibility nonetheless. But what is citizenship? Where does it come...
In the Old Testament God adopted this West Semitic rite, depicted on statues of warriors from the early third millennium b.c., to show that the organ of procreation was consecrated to him.
It is only after we have admitted that the family takes many shapes and forms that we can ask what a Christian shape and form is and dream about how to better embody...