Until now we have been discussing deception to obtain information you have a right to know. This is different from corporate espionage...
There are situations in which deception is necessary to obtain information an organization has a right to know. This essentially takes an...
One of the most common violations of truthtelling in the work world is bluffing or what some call, “mutual deceits.”[1] Bluffing may be legitimate when all the parties understand that the truth is...
“White lies” are lies that are meant to smooth discourse or deflect minor conflict, supposedly without doing harm to anyone. For example, if you are late to a meeting, it is often tempting...
Much of contemporary advertising falls into the category of what may be referred to as “harmless puffery.” This may apply both to the text of an advertisement as well as to the image...
Another category of possible exceptions to the norm of truthtelling is when the person asking the questions has no right to the...
Though it is clear that the default position is to tell the truth, even in Scripture, that is not considered a total...
A prime example of the role of truthtelling in the workplace is the preparation of financial statements by businesses, governments, churches, non-profit...
Truthtelling treats people with dignity. To tell someone the truth is a measure of respect that is missing when someone is lied...