As these situations show, in a fallen world, there are situations in which market-rate finance does not meet the needs of some...
God’s intent is that finance be a form of sharing, over time, among borrowers and lenders. There is only something to share if the loan makes increased productivity possible. So borrowers and lenders...
Financiers have a duty to lend profitably, but they are not to profit from the vulnerability of borrowers. You shall not lend them [people in difficulty] your money at interest taken in advance...
Ideally, market-rate finance is a blessing to both borrowers and lenders. This is similar to all kinds of commerce. Producing and selling...
Another question is whether financial prices—interest in particular—are prohibited by the Bible. For centuries Christians have debated the applicability of the biblical...
The question of prices raised two questions about finance as a form of love. First, can love be expressed in a market...
If finance is a means of care and love, doing finance through intermediaries raises a question. Can we love someone we do...
To sum up our theology, we have argued that the purposes of finance are to bring glory to God, to enable humans...
Prices in financial markets are expressed as expected rates of return on financial instruments, which in debt instrument are quoted as interest rates.[1] Why exactly would the borrower and saver agree to pay...