Adornment is a mark of humanity. Seashells and lilies of the valley do not need decoration, and it is an affectation to clothe animals, who are never naked. Clothing is a gift of...
It is commonly believed that there is an underlying similarity among the entire spectrum of addictive behaviors—that all addicts desire a sense of well-being, a temporary heightening of self-esteem, a transient experience of...
Accountability is not a new concept. Deeply ingrained in the prophetic mind of the Old Testament was the understanding that God holds the leaders of Israel accountable for the care and nurture of...
Abuse of any type occurs when someone has power over another and uses that power to hurt.
In modern Western culture the justification and acceptance of this practice has widened as women’s rights and reproductive rights have come to the forefront.
Modern Christians profess that Jesus is Lord of all our lives. Yet it's not always easy to relate Christianity to our day-to-day...
Storytelling requires great care and integrity. We talk about telling stories with kindness, authenticity, and a love for God and others.