We can seek guidance about provision from God and expect that doing so will help us meet our needs, the needs of...
It may seem odd to suggest that spending is potentially a way to aid those in poverty. We often associate spending with excessive consumption. Many Christians hold a frugality mentality that regards spending...
While giving is a fundamental way of using wealth to aid those caught in poverty, wise investment of wealth can also be very effective in helping the poor. There are many examples of...
When we are genuinely aware of the presence of God’s grace in our lives, our grateful hearts inevitably overflow into generous giving. Jesus directs his disciples, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew...
Learning to trust God for our provision is an ongoing challenge, particularly if we are prone to compulsive work habits. Gordon MacDonald...
The temptation of those who have much to become isolated from those who have little is very real. High-fenced houses, air-conditioned cars...
One of the more frequent words translated as “community” or “fellowship” in the New Testament is koinonia. This was a well-used word...
Gratitude leads to contentment. Contentment is a delicious feeling in itself, and it is the antidote to greed and envy. The Bible...
If we understand that everything we have is God’s—including the very capacity to work, engage in business, create and produce, sell, and...