Behind every successful person is a teacher, a coach, a mentor—someone who inspired, challenged, and instructed. Everyone needs guidance at some point...
All creativity requires the willingness to fail, and I don't know any creative endeavor where you don't fail before you succeed
We have plenty of opportunities to treat personal interactions as either transactions...or as opportunities, however brief, for relationships. Which has more to...
"To me, the win is that every church would have someone whose sole focus is vocation."
We live in a culture that tends to value youth, energy, and new ideas. There's not necessarily anything wrong with this, provided...
Recently, the High Calling spoke with Scott Wesley, Program Instructor with The WorkFaith Connection.
Recently, the High Calling spoke with Steve Norris, President of Norris Realty Advisors, about how our daily work can have great Kingdom...
Recently, The High Calling spoke with retired CEO of Rayco, Jack Willome, about how his faith has impacted him as a leader...
So how can we give and take criticism that fosters growth without being discouraging or discouraged? At least part of the answer...