The Bible is the basic source for the commands we are to obey, the consequences we are to seek, and the characters we are to become as followers of Jesus Christ. Although the...
The word “ethics” comes from the Greek word ethos, which has two meanings in common Greek usage: habit or custom, and ordinance or law. Usage in the New Testament includes both of these...
AN OVERVIEW We need to locate our approach to Christian ethics within an understanding of different approaches to ethics and moral reasoning in general.[5] Most often, three different approaches are identified. These can...
Click here if you would like to return to the beginning of the Ethics and Work article. The Case of the Broken...
Introduction A Christian view of work is distinctive in the way it insists that human work ultimately derives its meaning from God’s character and purposes. It is who God is and what God...
Although people are free to choose when and how to rest, there are compelling arguments both for observing a weekly sabbath rest...
Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection restore peoples’ relationship with God. Once again humanity can work in partnership with God and rest in his presence.
The Fall makes work difficult, and creates a desperate need for people to experience both physical and spiritual rest. But people often...