Studies show that up to 90 percent of people in a given congregation who come to Christ as adults, do so because of a relationship with one or more Christians outside the four...
Throughout the Old Testament, we see God at work through the actions of women.
Explore a history of women working both in the church and in the marketplace for God’s purposes.
Competition is a fact of everyday work. But is it godly for Christians to compete? Or is it something we should try to avoid as much as possible? Should we use whatever influence...
Weighing in at one mighty chapter, Philemon is the shortest book written by Paul and one of the shortest in the entire...
Learn how churches around the world are equipping people to apply their Sunday faith to their weekday jobs.
Do Christians always have to tell the truth, even at work?
Research has not yet begun on this article. Note: "Overview" articles are full-length explorations of major topics in the theology of work. If you're interested in a specific aspect of the topic, the...
The Bible offers guidance for a Christian view of wealth and how wealth can be used for God's redemptive purposes.