Living together through the thick and thin of everyday life, family members will encounter struggles and stressors all along the way.
One of today’s growing hobbies is “doing your family history.” What is it about this occupation that interests people?
The old adage “If you don’t know where you’re going you’ll never get there” is an important reason to establish family goals.
Not communicating is an effective expression of rejection that has the intended result—rebuffing the other member of the family.
In the Western world family is a term applied to any group of people that claim to belong together. It is a freely contracted relationship between individual consenting adults.
Faith is not just a single act, though faith often begins with a single act.
Since the umbrella of “fairy tale” spreads so widely that at times it covers everything from ancient myths and legends to Saturday-morning cartoons, we do well to get a good grip on its...
No one is immune to failure. Human weakness, ignorance and the effects of sin promise that failure will be a familiar companion, even to people who walk with God.