Arthur Andersen, the auditing firm handling Enron, began to unravel as a result of the Enron scandal. Robert Wright was a senior...
by Jerry Bowyer “Before we can even ask how things might go wrong, we must first explain how they could ever go right.” These words from Friederich August Hayek, the Australian-born economist who...
Henry Kaestner is Chairman of Sovereign Capital, an investment firm he co-founded in 2011 that focuses on...
A Devotional by Mark D. Roberts, originally published by Life for Leaders, titled Practicing the Presence of God at Work Part ...
This interview with Kevin Kinghorn, professor of philosophy and religion at Asbury Theological Seminary, is part of a series of articles sharing...
Dwight DuBois' report “Equipping Pastors Conversations” provides helpful insight for any pastor considering his or her own calling to “equip the saints...
According to research, churchgoing affects people's decisions about ethics, work, and economics.
In this podcast series from Discover the Word, Haddon Robinson, Alice Matthews, and Mart DeHaan unpack what the Bible says about work...
Introductory resources on faith at work geared towards particular Christian denominations.