This is an excerpt from Creation and New Creation by Theology of Work Project Biblical Studies Editor Sean McDonough. Notes have been omitted. This excerpt originally appeared in the Oikonomia Network March 201...
This essay was originally written as a Mockler Memo, January 2014, by David W. Gill. We believe and we say that Jesus...
Evangelizing at work. It gets a lot of bad press. What are some ways to do it Biblically and gracefully? Bill Peel...
Is Christian scholarship related to the Church's mission? How can churches support Christian scholars?
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These popular books provide an introduction the concepts in faith and work.
Making It Work podcast guests Maya Adolf and Jamie Sturm started an employee-led educational group to foster racial understanding in their workplace.
by Jerry Bowyer I wrote several months ago about New Testament scholar (read here and here), Ben Witherington III, and his book...
This article, originally titled "Bridging the Marketplace Gap" by Andy Stanley comes from The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching, edited by...