One of the terms used most frequently in the New Testament to describe the Christian message is the Greek word euangelion, which means “good news.”
Euthanasia, which literally means “good death,” is the intentional and voluntary taking of a patient’s life either by omitting necessary medical treatments or by taking direct action such as an overdose of drugs.
Ethnocentrism has to do with how people define themselves and how they view others unlike themselves.
Equipping involves preparing people for service, empowering them to serve and creating the context in which their ministry will thrive.
This Christmas season, as you celebrate Jesus' birth and head into 2025, we at the Theology of Work Project pray that God's...
In advanced industrial societies entertainment is virtually synonymous with leisure, since entertainment is the major form of leisure.
An expression that pinpoints the moment when grown children are out of the home and the parents face a new lifestyle, empty nesting is the time in a marriage between launching the children...
Individual successes in life and national destinies are being increasingly linked to the quality of educational experiences.
Ecology in its narrowest definition is the study of the relationship between living things and their environment.