There was a time, not so long ago, when if asked the question, What is your religion? people would respond by giving the name of their denomination.
Ben Franklin once said that it was better to “go to bed supperless than run in debt for breakfast.”
This article considers death as an occasion for theological reflection and spiritual contemplation and deals with letting go of ourselves.
A working definition of daydreaming is that it is a shift of attention or wandering of the mind from ongoing tasks that takes up past memories, present wishes or fears, and future plans...
Must dating be practiced with a view to finding a suitable marriage partner?
Culture in the broadest sense is everything that people do with creation.
A crowd is simply a gathering of people whose attention is temporarily focused on a shared concern.
It seems we cannot watch the local news without being confronted by some senseless act of random violence.
More than half of North Americans have a credit card in their wallet or purse.