Confrontation is giving a report on another person’s behavior, offering feedback on the other’s role or response, providing a second person’s perspective on one’s way of being, acting or relating.
Conflict is so common in the workplace that one can safely say, “It goes with the territory.” But the types of conflict are varied.
When a sperm and ovum unite, usually as the result of a loving embrace, they become “one flesh” literally as a unique conceptus “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14 KJV; see Psalm 139:13-16; Eccles. 11:5).
Through the years we have invented an amazing array of machines to help us compute things more rapidly and more accurately.
Though most computers are actively used for relatively pedestrian activities like accounting and word processing, a remarkable amount of their resources is devoted to simple diversion.
Compromise is generally regarded as a dirty word. It is something to avoid.
Competition is a fact of everyday life.
In their places of work, families, communities and churches, Christians give praise to God by using their time and talents as competently as they possibly can. Their competency is a fundamental service to...