Paul’s greeting to Philemon sets the stage for the delicate social negotiation he is about to undertake.
Onesimus has incurred a social and economic debt Paul is going to address in ways that are distinct from the way this situation would normally have been addressed.
Most churches have ministries to serve the communities around them, which often are called compassion, outreach or...
This article has been produced by a mixture of pastors and marketplace people and homemakers. We are very aware that, even as...
Equipping churches encourage their people to build relationships with both Christians and non-Christians in the marketplace. They...
The leaders of equipping churches have started to think about the complete mission of God as well...
Equipping people is a complex business. Structures can help to facilitate or hinder ministry. What is a help for the first generation...
Effectively equipping church members for daily life and work requires significant investments of money and staff time. This may mean reallocating resources...
These churches are helping their people discover new ways of nourishing and living out their faith in...