From the beauty of a job well done, to the ugliness of work gone wrong, work takes invisible realities and makes them...
Brightly painted walls and sleek, modern furniture might make a workplace look beautiful. But what’s really at the heart of a beautiful...
When I worked at a non-profit in community relations, my "office" was a desk behind a grey divider near a window.
As we love others, the work we do becomes an expression of the beauty that was first woven into us by love.
Have the words “wonder” and “workplace” ever been used in the same sentence? ...
White tulips leaned into one another. Tears splotched Lindsay’s shirt as she spied them in a vase on her desk. “They remembered,”...
Several years ago I saw Wicked on Broadway. I knew I would like it as I’ve always enjoyed all things Oz. But sitting in the dark theatre, the lights from the stage falling...
Kohler, Wisconsin, is known for its luxury hotels, upscale restaurants, gardens, art museums, and a stunning lakeside golf course. How interesting, then, that this village was built for immigrant...
C. S. Lewis said, "If we find ourselves with a desire that no earthly experience can satisfy the most logical explanation is...
The fact that we can perceive things as beautiful, I believe, points to the existence of a God who loves beauty and...
In the past several days, I have been considering whether it's appropriate to display art in spaces set aside for worship.
In a world that too often appears to be ugly and chaotic, we can add a measure of grace when all that we do, no matter how insignificant, is a celebration of order...
Why are we called to "be fruitful and multiply"?
1 Chronicles adds a detail not found in 2 Samuel and 1 Kings. David creates a corps of musicians “to make music...
The final psalm returns to music as our response to God’s “mighty deeds”, upon which all our activity and work are founded. Praise God with trumpets, lutes, harps, tambourines, strings, pipe, cymbals—both clanging...
The Song begins with the woman speaking of her love for her man and, in the course of this, she speaks of...
Often when we’re standing before a breathtaking sunset or after we’ve heard the final notes of a great symphony, the word beautiful springs naturally to our lips. What exactly do we mean by...