Before the Fall, God placed Adam and Eve in the garden and invited them to work with him by tilling the soil...
My dad chooses to see work as life-giving instead of soul-draining.
Things between Clive Howard and his son Darrell have been spoiling for years now, ever since Darrell proclaimed his intent to leave...
Standing around the kitchen that night, we all knew that we weren't there together because of luck, and the food we were...
“We want to live off the grid,” she tells me. ...
“How often in your lifetime will the farm right next to yours come up for sale? Not more than once or twice.”
Although ancient methods of harvesting were not as efficient as today, yet Leviticus 19:9-10 instructs Israelites to make them even less so. First, they were to leave the margins of their grain fields...
The question of prices raised two questions about finance as a form of love. First, can love be expressed in a market...
In Romans 5:1–11 Paul offers more encouragement by reminding the Romans that through Christ we have already “gained access” to God’s “grace...
A biblical approach to farming may be described in three words: justice, compassion and stewardship.