Do you get up in the morning happy to go to work? Or do you dread it? In this season of things...
None of us are stupid, but all of us are vulnerable. Luckily, God knows what it feels like to be vulnerable, too...
Like any good pop culture parable, zombie stories work because they help us think about deep truths that we feel in our bones.
Jesus doesn’t take away our fears, but he can transform them.
Fear is designed to serve us. Not control us.
In your desert moment, don’t fear, but look instead to the promise of a refreshing, rehydrating God.
Fear and suffering have ways of recalibrating even our most heartfelt convictions.
We are fearful of getting sick, getting hurt, losing money, or losing it all. But we don’t need to be.
Job challenges range from gruesome to crippling. How we handle them makes a world of difference. Sam Van Eman offers three truths...
A windstorm arose on the sea, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves...
Dr. Neil Clark Warren is not the type of person you think of when you hear the word, entrepreneur. He has degrees from prestigious schools, he was a counselor, writer and academic for...
I remember the first time I spoke in front of a large audience. The arrangements had been made months in advance, at...
The LORD is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? Psalm 27:1 Back in the 1990s...
I wonder how many times Jesus has wanted to say to us: "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!"
On Halloween two years ago at 11:02 a.m., my doctor called to tell me I had cancer.
The basement was dark, damp, musty—a forbidding place where my mother kept our canned fruits and vegetables. As a young boy I dreaded, "Gary, would you please go down to the basement . . .?" Was...
Not all accumulation of wealth is a result of injustice. However, even when wealth is gained through legitimate means, it still has...
When we are genuinely aware of the presence of God’s grace in our lives, our grateful hearts inevitably overflow into generous giving. Jesus directs his disciples, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew...
While we seek to honor God in our work, this does not mean the road will be easy.
Isaiah begins by insisting that religious rituals nauseate God when accompanied by sinful living: What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices? says the Lord; I have had enough of burnt-offerings of...
Explore some common causes of workplace anxiety, and solutions from the Bible.
3 Bible stories encourage us to lean on others in a crisis.
What does disruption mean for the legal profession and our jobs/role/identity? Lucy is reading yet another article about “disruption” and how it...