For over two hundred years, citizens of the U.S. have celebrated our independence on The Fourth of July, as we will next...
On my way back to the RV from the campground bathhouse, I found two of my kids and my husband chatting with...
I grew up in a culture that frowned upon swearing. In my family, I wasn't even supposed to say things like "Shut...
Today is Independence Day in the United States. On this day, commonly called The Fourth of July, we Americans celebrate the signing...
As I noted in Monday’s reflection, the church in Rome was threatened by differences of opinion over what Christians should eat or...
Though we have been saved and forgiven through the grace of God in Christ, sin continues to war against our souls. Sometimes, indeed, it can seem as if our life is dominated by...
An English teacher assigned her students a long essay. The writing project required several weeks and more research than most students had...
One of the final new commands from God in Jeremiah is the renunciation of slavery (Jer. 34:9). The Law of Moses required Hebrew slaves to be set free after six years of service...
The quest for freedom is high on most people’s agenda today, and it has also been one of the main threads of human history.