We carry God’s kingdom to all kinds of workplaces, including schools. So as you go back to school, don’t be surprised if...
I’m 41 years old, and I’m still afraid to jump off the cliff.
Death is our mortal enemy, but resurrection promises that we can defeat the enemy.
My worldview journey to understanding that God will redeem the creation.
Can a Christian simply dedicate his or her life to loving God and loving neighbors, or does God demand us to be extraordinary?
In Genesis 12, when the Lord first revealed himself to Abraham, he promised that all the families of the earth would be blessed through him (v. 3). In Genesis 28, God reiterated to Jacob that he...
In the Bible, the word “call” is used most often to refer to God's initiative to bring...
In the book of Exodus, God is the essential worker. The nature and intent of that divine work set the agenda for...
The final section of Job contains a storybook ending in which many of Job’s fortunes are restored. Many, but not all. He...
Throughout the book, Isaiah encourages Israel with the hope that God will eventually put to right the wrongs the people are suffering...
In Jesus’ day, as now, the work of healing and health was essential.
The book of Acts begins with a post-resurrection interaction between Jesus and his disciples. Jesus teaches his disciples about “the kingdom of...
There is no question that the story of Pentecost is central to the life of the early...
Being “glorified” with Christ (Rom. 8:17) is our hope for the future. But according to Paul that...
If it sounds as if Paul is calling us to grit our teeth and try harder to be good, then we are...
God's restoring work involves human beings both as recipients of grace and as participants in the work.
Critical to the theology in Hebrews is that Christ created and sustains the world. He is the Son “through whom [God] also...
Although Christ created the world entirely good, it has become tainted and subject to “the one who has the power of death...
Does our earthly work matter to God? Darrell Cosden has given a resounding “yes” to that question. Central to his argument is...
God’s plan to advance his kingdom, however, takes a surprising turn: before deliverance comes disaster. Yet it is perhaps not so surprising...
It is surprising that few systematic theology texts or courses demonstrate interest in exploring the meaning of work from a theological perspective...
Full Christianity: Doing, Thinking, and Being (Click here to read) In this daily reflection from The High Calling Mark Roberts considers how...