Anxiety and uncertainty about finances are part of most people's lives, even followers of Jesus. Guest Katrina Miles started her own company...
God's covenants promise great and immutable things from God, but they require surprisingly little from us in return.
Every now and then, God surprises us. I’m not thinking about daily gifts of grace, the little delights that come regularly and unexpectedly. Rather, I’m speaking of big surprises.
God is a God of promises and covenants. The biblical narrative is a story of God’s promises kept. Humans are created in his image, and thus we have biblical accounts of humans making...
Humanity does not know everything, and individually each of us knows only a tiny fraction of what can be known. God created each of us with our own unique mind which takes in...
Financial instruments are promises between two or more parties with differing resource needs which are tailored to allow both parties to be prudent risk takers when the future is unknown. As argued above...
The question of prices raised two questions about finance as a form of love. First, can love be expressed in a market...
Faith & Co.: Banking on Hope How does the gospel change a bank’s view of people and how they should be treated, especially those of modest means? Inspired by faith that sees the...