We are designed to work just like we are designed to rest. Even if our days of paid employment are over, that...
Economic downturn. Desire for downtime. There are all sorts of reasons people are retiring or choosing not to retire in the 21st...
There are seasons in life, I am learning. And sometimes the rougher seasons are the very ones in which the work we...
As the time approached for me to seriously consider retiring, I discovered something: retirement is not a Biblical concept.
As Baby Boomers age, traditional American retirement seems impossible. ...
R. Paul Stevens on the problem of dualism and the sacred-secular divide.
In retirement, my life looks both different from and similar to the lives I’ve lived before.
There might be a new reality. Am I ready to work until my very final breath?
On her 100th birthday, Eudora McArthur wasn’t ready to retire from volunteer work. “I still have some powerful loving to give.”
Like the Levites, we should not seek a total cessation of meaningful work in old age.
Not all accumulation of wealth is a result of injustice. However, even when wealth is gained through legitimate means, it still has...
In most cases, your work will continue after you have moved on.
In the third age, people have the opportunity to retire – and also, often, to stay in paid employment, perhaps part-time. Retirement can be couched in either very negative or overly optimistic terms...
It’s on the journey, in the desert, through the catastrophe and grief, that we become open to God reorienting us.