Can you imagine a better way of churches and business people working together?
Recently the Theology of Work Project's Executive Editor, Will Messenger, was interviewed by Oikonomia Network about helping pastors preach on work.
We talk with guest Reverend Dr. Gary Green about the theology of sports as a spiritual experience, the use of the term...
Spiritual practices that can help you connect with God when working from home.
Many of us have fallen into the habit of thinking that because our careers aren’t directly related to ministry, they don’t have...
Findlay debated with himself for some time, and then made a conscious decision to leave a Bible on his desk at work...
Have you ever felt God calling you to something unexpected and outside your comfort zone?
Considering the 'scattered life' of the Body of Christ. An offering for church members and pastors. Thanks to Naomi Compton for allowing us to host this here.
BAFTA-nominated narrative director and game developer Xalavier Nelson, Jr., discusses how video games can connect us to...
Research by Ecklund, Daniels, and Schneider provides insight into how Christians relate their faith to work and how the equipping church can...
Does your secular work have kingdom impact? Panel and Q&A, with Dave Hataj, Valerie Kosiadi, and John Shen.
This video is part of the Global Classroom episode on Workplace Ministry. View the episode page and access the full set of...
What if you could experience God's presence in the midst of your ordinary, everyday work?
Apple's former SVP says: It's the person in the cubicle next to you, your employee who reports to you, your customer.
Text: Ephesians 6:5-9 Dominant Thought: The Lordship of Jesus Christ has enormous implications on our motives for...
Scripture Genesis 1:27-28 27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he...
Tom Nelson outlines a sermon on why work matters.
Bill Peel lays out a sermon on making your work count for God.
Nehemiah needed Ezra and Ezra needed Nehemiah. Andy Mills shares how a Theology of Work Project resource helps clarify a concern both...
In this video, Alistair Mackenzie of the Theology of Work Project describes his research on how churches equip their members to apply...
Remembering the life, work, and ministry of Howard E. Butt, Jr., who died Saturday, September 11, 2016.
Then the apostles gathered around Jesus and told him everything they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come with me...
God slouches at the front of the universe leaning against his desk, taking roll with a red pen in his spiral book of life. He teaches every subject himself, every grade, every student...
Has your pastor ever visited your workplace? Mentioned the kind of work you do in a sermon? Given you guidance on a...
Gordon Conwell uses Theology of Work Project materials in a video course on faith and work.
"Why do we work? If you don't know why, it doesn't matter what you do." In his keynote address at the Believers in Business (BiB) MBA Conference at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on February...
Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it...
Is ministry a part-time or full-time job? Do you feel like a second-class Christian? What, exactly, is...
How does your job further the kingdom of God? Is the business world the best place for a Christian to focus their...
What I learned from a cancer center doorman and the US Navy’s chief.
“We’re trying to get to a place where working on our business is also working on ourselves." Mark Canlis is the co-owner...
My worldview journey to understanding that God will redeem the creation.
Since they’d roomed together in college, Mitch and Steve had traveled separate paths. That’s how Steve saw it. About the time Steve began business school, Mitch entered seminary. You know, “God’s...
This is the fourth talk of Andy Mills' five-part series on faith and work. Andy Mills is the former CEO of the...
R. Paul Stevens on the problem of dualism and the sacred-secular divide.
"I think that whatever we do, we should do it as if we're serving God."
Katherine Leary Alsdorf is co-author with Timothy Keller of Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work (Dutton, 2012). She came...
I have very few regrets in life, but my earliest one is from tee-ball. I forgot to bring home the signup sheet to register for the tee-ball season. Somehow, at the tender age...
This is the first talk of Andy Mills' five-part series on faith and work. Andy Mills is the former CEO of the...
Church leaders, rightly, have a primary thing on their mind: The mandate to see people come to salvation in Christ. Church programs...
The biggest mistake of the Church for the last generation is the spiritual vs. secular divide.
Are you in a job you love, or are you waiting for the right opportunity? Find out...
Is genuine ministry restricted to those in the clergy, or to those who work for a Christian organization? God can work through...
“and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills” Exodus 31:3 Introduction from Mark Roberts: Dr. Vincent Bacote has been...
Whether we work in a church, an office building or the home, our work matters to God! We all have the capacity...
It’s far more than just getting a paycheck. Whether you spend your work days in the church, an office, or at home, the responsibilities we carry out can and should glorify God. Special...
Did you ever have a call to ministry? Do you believe that what you’re doing today is really doing God’s will? Why...
What are your expectations for your pastor? To what extent are your expectations shaped by the truth of Ephesians 4:11-12?
When I was growing up in the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, I knew who the ministers were.
Don’t wait until you know more or are in a better position. Invite God to use you, right where you are.
St. Charles Borromeos was one night with a group of people playing chess. This was a social evening; they sat playing chess. And somebody injected into the conversation that evening, "If you were...
For Christians, everything matters, because we believe that God is at work in our world...and in our lives.
Dr. Neil Clark Warren is not the type of person you think of when you hear the word, entrepreneur. He has degrees from prestigious schools, he was a counselor, writer and academic for...
Ken Duncan is one of the world’s most important landscape photographers. He and his wife, Pam, founded what today includes three galleries and a profitable Web site that sell Ken’s amazing photography, as...
I can’t tell you how disappointing it was when, at age 22, I finally made the decision to pursue a “secular” career...
New York City Redeemer Presbyterian Pastor Tim Keller’s recent work, Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work, will be our...
It's not uncommon for Christians to think of reality as having three layers. The top layer is Heaven, the place of God...
The day I took charge over my own actions and career was the day I was set free.
Last week I announced the startling blog-revelation that I had been writing under the pen name of...
I've been in plenty of church meetings that seem to pit the "spiritual" people against the "practical."
This MBA student complains that work in business is not often seen as 'theologically okay.' But it should be.
"For many years my heart wasn't connected to the work that I did."
This passage from Ezekiel challenges me to consider how I am using the gifts God has given me. Am I exercising them...
Can you imagine the spiritual awakening in store for those who truly believed an infinitely loving God was accomplishing His purposes through...
Sometimes it seems like God is everywhere, except at work.
Not everything that happens in a church building is ministry.
Transcript Judy wanted most in life to serve the Lord! Should she quit her full-time job for full-time ministry? She earnestly asked God to show her what to do. The next week, in...
Transcript New England winters are cold and long. And in 1891, boys at Springfield College in Massachusetts were restless and rowdy. Enter James Naismith—athlete and P.E. teacher—with instructions to distract those boys. Now...
Have you ever wondered if what you're doing with your life and work are really worthwhile? Have you wanted to do something significant for God—to make your life really count?
For years I would say this very simple prayer every day before work.
After working as a parish priest for 15 years, Barbara Brown Taylor ( left her parish position to become a religion professor...
What comes to mind when you think of a minister? If you are like most people, you think about church buildings and pulpits, preachers and priests, missionaries and Bible school teachers.
Psalm 15 begins with the question of who may worship in God’s sanctuary. The answer: “Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right” (v. 2). Then the psalm lists examples of...
Earlier this month, we noted the claim of the wicked that “There is no God.” Today we find this same boast in Psalm 14. Given the widespread belief in divine beings in the...
The original language of Romans 6:13 is structured in a way that makes a powerful point, though this is sometimes lost in translation. It could be laid out in this way:Do not present...
In George MacDonald’s 1876 novel, Thomas Wingfold, Curate, (now reedited and republished as The Curate's Awakening), a chapter entitled "The Common-Place," introduces Mr. Drew, a dealer in cloth who refers to his shop...
Does work with "material", earthly things have value?
There is no support in Genesis for the notion, which somehow entered Christian imagination, that the world is irredeemably evil and the...
A call to ministry or church work is no more sacred than a call to other types of work.
The penitent words of the brothers led Joseph to one of the finest theological points of his life and, indeed, much of...
The work of building the tabernacle may seem to lie outside the scope of the Theology of Work Project because of its...
The purpose of sacrifice was not merely to remedy occasional lapses of purity. The Hebrew verb for “offering” a sacrifice means literally...
An integrated understanding of work from a biblical perspective needs to include a clear sense of Christian vocation, or calling. As Christians...
This article has been produced by a mixture of pastors and marketplace people and homemakers. We are very aware that, even as...
The Lord gives detailed instructions for setting up the tent of meeting, the location of his presence with Israel. The tent of...
Many of Elisha's miracles restored people's capacity to work fruitfully.
Cutting wood along the bank of the Jordan River, one of Elisha’s fellow prophets loses an iron axe head into the river...
The connection between the temple and the wall is significant for the theology of work. The temple might seem to be a...
The problem of pain comes when times are hard. When we are passed over for promotion or lose a job, when we...
Psalm 113 informs us “From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised”...
God’s presence is no longer to be found only in Jerusalem or Judah, but even in the enemy’s capital city.
Justice is not merely a secular issue, as the prophets see it. Micah’s call for justice in Mic. 6:8 follows from an...
The issue of taxation has arisen obliquely already, in terms of the call narrative of Levi (Mark 2:13-17, see above). This section treats the matter a little more directly, although the meaning of...
Twice Jesus goes to people’s workplaces to call them to follow him. The first is when Jesus gets some fishermen to interrupt...
The healing of the man at the pool of Bethsaida brings to the surface a controversy familiar from Matthew, Mark, and Luke...
The work of administering justice is just as important as the work of preaching the word.
Despite the need to confront the power brokers in the wider culture, confrontation is not always the best way for the Christian...
The passage most often connected to work in the book of Acts is Paul’s tent making in Acts 18:1-4. Although this passage...
One of the repeated and stressed themes in 1 Timothy is the tight connection between belief and...
First Timothy affirms “God’s way of ordering reality” and that this divine ordering has implications for how Christians should behave in their...
Fish Guts and the Kingdom of God Nancy Matheson Burns, CEO of food distributor Dole & Bailey, describes reconsidering her career choices...
Although written under greatly different circumstances than James,[1] 1 John also challenges the notion that faith can live without “works,” that is, acts of obedience toward God. In chapter 2, John states that...
When we work in the marketplace as Jesus followers, there’s a phrase that often rings in our ears. The words come from Matthew, chapter 6: “You cannot serve both God and money.” The...
If Jesus joined you each week and worked alongside you in your Monday-to-Saturday activities (remember: he was a tradesman himself), would that make any difference to the way you do your daily work?
Roger is a workaholic. He wouldn’t admit it, but his life certainly bears the fruit of it. Roger is also a Christian...
In the Christian world there’s a perception that we could be doing more for God if only we could free ourselves from...
Wayne’s Story Some years ago I became involved, somewhat unexpectedly, in the business of buying and selling cars. This chapter tells my...
We all know how important words are. They communicate more than just actions and ideas. Many words encapsulate and reinforce worldviews –...
Remember our characters from the beginning of the book? In writing about them we have altered names and some of the details...
Alistair’s story In the first chapter of this book we quoted Calvin Redekop, a Canadian Mennonite, who wrote: “The truth is that the average Christian spends less than 2 percent of his or...
Modern Christians profess that Jesus is Lord of all our lives. Yet it's not always easy to relate Christianity to our day-to-day...
We look in vain in the Bible for laypersons in the sense of untrained, unequipped and not-called.
Baptism is the sacrament of Christian initiation; the Lord’s Supper (also called Communion or the Eucharist) is the sacrament of Christian growth and development. Both are vital.
One of the central themes of Christian theology is that God is the Creator of the world.
For the last week of this series, blogger Leah Archibald speaks about finding fulfillment in work from the point of view of...