Becoming a Spiritually Intentional Leader
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
As spiritual beings, we are each on a quest to find a greater purpose and meaning in our lives.
The journey is never-ending. It’s not like you wake up one day consummate with an epiphany, or a bolt of lightning, or a ray of sunshine that reveals all the ultimate truths of the universe. We are discovering things a little bit at a time as we face a new set of challenges, relationships, and opportunities with each new day.
This is just how God works.
Believe it or not, this journey includes your work. Especially your work. Our spiritual growth is an ongoing process of awareness, of seeing and sensing, of learning about who we are in relation to a loving God, and the impact and influence we can have in the world we operate in. But, as we all know, there are challenges to maintaining this state of being in a stress-filled work environment, or even believing this could be true.
For me, the spiritual journey is more cyclical in nature, turning and spinning like the orbit of the earth, with endless, repeated rounds of distance and returns. The cycle goes something like this:
Awareness > Insight > Challenge > Setback > Failure > Surrender > Awareness...and back around the clock all over again.
And again.
And again.