
Killing the Desk

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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How attached are we to our habits, presuppositions, and comforts? Are we willing to put aside the way we've "always done things" for the good of our workplaces, churches and relationships?

When Laura Everett, executive director for the Massachusetts Council of Churches, moved into her office, a massive oak desk sat inside. In order to settle into her new digs, she had to remove the desk--which took much more planning, effort, and time than she'd initially counted on.

Along the way, the desk became a symbol of things that had changed in the Council, and clearing out the desk allowed her team to clear away other things, as well. She recounts what she learned in an excellent article called "Killing the Desk" on Duke University's Faith and Leadership site.

Post by Dena Dyer. Image by Christian Jones. Used by permission.