Community Post: Do This Instead...
Blog / Produced by The High CallingHave you heard the news that higher education is in question? Yeah, The New York Times says so, in End the University as We Know It. Maybe you have heard the news. But you are still telling your kids that their best bet for success in life is to study for the next test, get good grades, go to college, rack up the $100,000 in debt... for the good cause of a safe financial landing that may or may not ever materialize. Or maybe you are beginning to raise your own questions about what's best for your kids. I know I am. And it's got me in a bit of turmoil, to be honest. Read the rest of the post...
Post by L.L. Barkat.
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The demands, pressures and stress of work can put a huge strain on relationships with our coworkers. This 4-day plan from Theology of Work Project and Workmatters provides simple steps you can take to be more loving to your coworkers that will transform those relationships and increase both joy and productivity at work.
Contributors: L.L. Barkat
Published by The High Calling, July 19, 2012.
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