
Do You Pray for Your Coworkers?

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Work stub 01

My friend arrives at her office each morning and takes a moment to walk around the cubicles, placing her hands on each of her coworkers’ chairs as she prays for each of them. She calls this her “cross walk,” praying peace and love onto her coworkers before they arrive to begin their workday. I admit, I’m not apt to pray for my coworkers. I’m guessing that every day, someone I don’t expect is praying for me. I may not be aware of it, but they are praying just the same.

Read the rest of this post at Hole in our Gospel: Cross Walkers by Michelle DeRusha.

Image by Carey Ciuro. Used with permission. Sourced via Flickr. Post by David Rupert.