
Esther’s First Impression Changed the World

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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Pause for a moment and recall the last time you were very intentional about making a favorable first impression. Were you interviewing for a job, or meeting your future in-laws, or negotiating a deal with someone of great power and influence? For Esther, a first impression may have changed the world.

The Book of Esther is loaded with drama, romance, power, and intrigue—every component crucial to a best -selling paperback novel. Of course, the distinction here is Esther is not just an alluring and riveting story. Esther is a demonstration of God's sovereignty and his love and provision for his people. Though the name of God never appears in these ten chapters, God's handiwork is woven throughout.

With the ousting of Queen Vashti in Chapter 1, the King's search committee launched a crusade to find the most beautiful women to serve the King. This search was exhaustive and thorough though it was not about credentials, education, influence, or lineage. It was solely related to physical beauty. Esther was chosen as a candidate in addition to many other beautiful women.

It could be the God of the Universe was already orchestrating the future of his chosen people through the beauty of a young Jewish girl named Esther.

In 2:17, the King's first impression of Esther is more than favorable. He sets her apart from all the others—and decrees her an instantaneous ennoblement from concubine to Queen!

We have all had paramount interviews. Esther's was essentially a beauty contest, but God uses beauty for a greater purpose. Still, Esther was not finished with making impressions with the King. There would be one greater than the first.

Power and pride in unfavorable hands can be catastrophic, and this was the case with Haman. Haman was given a place of honor above all the nobles. Mordecai, the Jew, refused to kneel down before him, so Haman devised an edict to destroy all the Jews in retaliation. Swiftly, he presented it to King Xerxes and immediately received endorsement to carry out the scheme. Are you wondering if God is still active here? Remember, Mordecai had raised Esther, and she too, was a Jew.

For such a time as this, Esther had a high calling to influence King Xerxes. To approach the King was unlawful, and the punishment could be death. In some ways, you could consider this a second first impression with much higher stakes.

"If I perish, I perish," she said. Esther's courage, conviction, and trust in the Lord would save a whole lineage of people. She could not be silent.

Queen Esther must have clothed herself in pure elegance, for the King extended the golden scepter and offered her half the kingdom! Clearly, the impression she made on the King saved her people. In a series of twists and turns, Mordecai was elevated, Haman was executed, and the King issued a new edict protecting the liberties and destiny of the Jews.

How astonishing is God's sovereignty over all his people! May we, like Esther, open ourselves to being used by God—beginning with making a favorable first impression. Who knows? It might just change the world.