
Faith That Shapes Vocation That Shapes Culture

Blog / Produced by The High Calling

The Washington Institute and Steven Garber have a vision for "a faith that shapes vocation that shapes culture." Recently, they began partnering with our retreat center, Laity Lodge and the Laity Leadership Institute on a series of retreats about vocation and calling explicitly.

The first retreat this past Spring brought together 25 established professionals and 25 young professionals. We met to deepen our own theological understanding of vocation, and enjoy a little bit of rest in the Frio River Canyon. You can read about the first retreat and the upcoming vocational retreat for pastors and their laity at The Washington Institute.

Steven Garber doesn't hold back when he writes, "Vocation is integral, not incidental, to the mission of God—and how that is either nourished or diminished by the preaching and praying of the Church. For the most part, the Church all over the world teaches the reverse, that vocation is incidental, not integral, to the mission of God. In most places the Church fosters a distinction between sacred vocations and secular work by implying that some work matters more to God, work like overseas missions, and pastoral ministry."

Read the rest of this article at The Washington Institute.