Have You Checked Out of Your Work?
Blog / Produced by The High CallingWould you consider yourself “enagaged” at work?
If you said, "yes," you are in rare company. Two out of three workers are not “engaged” in their workplace, according to Gallup data.
No doubt, many are just sleepwalking through the mundane labor, dispassionately putting in their time until the next paycheck rolls in. They may be looking for an exit -- or they simply may not care. No matter what the outcome, this trend is not good for our economy or for the kingdom of heaven.
Larry Peabody, blogging at Called into Work, hopes that Christ followers have a different ethic and would be counted in the “engaged” category, but he’s not so certain.
“I fear the widespread ignorance of a biblical theology of work may contribute,” he said. “The sacred-secular myth still pushes many into thinking their everyday work doesn’t really matter that much to God.”
If none of what we do matters, then why engage?
There’s a dark side to engagement observes Larry. And that’s idolatrory. “If we look to our work as our basic source of satisfaction, significance, and supply, it can easily become a God-substitute.”
So somewhere there’s a balnce between over-engagement and under-engagmeents.
Larry quotes Bonnie Wurzbacher, formerly a Senior Vice President for Coca-Cola, who was quoted as saying, “We don’t get meaning from our work, we bring meaning to our work.”
Read Larry’s entire article, Your Work: Engaged? Not Engaged? Disengaged?