
Learning to Wait

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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We live in such a "hurry-up" society. Many of us have a hard time waiting for the microwave oven to finish our food. We get angry waiting in lines, furious when the mail comes late, and we definitely don't like being stuck in traffic. Mark Roberts struggles with waiting too. He wonders about waiting and Advent in his post entitled, "Advent Revisited and Retooled." I have a confession to make: I am terrible at waiting. This makes me an especially lousy Christmas shopper, because, almost by definition, Christmas shopping requires waiting in line. Whether you’re at a fine department store or just grabbing some chips from the local mini-mart, chances are you’ll be waiting in line during the month of December. And, if you’re like me, inevitably you’ll end up right behind somebody who needs a price check on aisle 3 or who requires some sort of special assistance. This sort of thing can just about ruin the Christmas season for me, because waiting makes me grumpy...Click here to read more.

Mark Roberts is the Senior Director and Scholar-in-Residence for Laity Lodge.