
Spiritual Disciplines?

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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Jews and Muslims are well known for their various spiritual disciplines. Judaism is filled with traditions and feasts that keep the body busy. Islam is also a religion filled with daily prayers and required fasts and other such things. These are spiritual disciplines, and they bring the thoughts of religion back to the body. They are designed to keep religions from becoming nothing more than a series of intellectual propositions that a person gives assent to. Protestant Christians in America are less known for these kind of disciplines. It is hard to find any discipline outside of corporate worship that we all share in common. When you think of faith and daily living, what Christian practices come to your mind? Thomas Turner of Everyday Liturgy writes about this in a piece he calls, "Why aren't Christians known for that?" When you think of a practicing Muslim, what is one of the first things that comes to mind? * They recite an oath/creed. * They pray five times a day. * They keep certain strict rules regarding eating and socializing. * There are moral codes of modesty. When you think of someone practicing Judaism, what is one of the first things that comes to mind? * They say the Shema. * They memorize the Torah. * They keep kosher. * They live a strict liturgical week with Shabbat. When you think of someone practicing Christianity, what is one of the first things that comes to mind? ...READ MORE.