“How Do You Earn the Trust of Your Employees?” - J. B. Wood
Video / Produced by The High CallingSo much of the "calling" aspect of our work consists in simply seeing people as people—not numbers, or performance statistics, or problems to be solved. As J. B. points out, trust can only exist when employees feel that they are being heard and recognized, even if you, as the manager, decide to go in a different direction.
Effective Christian leadership can't exist without relationship, any more than it could without authority. Building trust isn't just a way to improve morale; it's a recognition of the gifts God has given all of us, and a celebration of the dignity inherent to each of us as His creations.
Want to hear more? You can find this and dozens more videos over at the High Calling YouTube Channel.
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Ethics is about knowing and doing what is good or right, and workplace ethics is about knowing and doing what is good or right at work. For the Christian, this means applying the Bible and other resources of the Christian faith to help decide and do what is ethical or moral at work.
Contributors: J. B. Wood
Published by The High Calling, March 21, 2013.
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