
Practicing Grace: Davis Hawn Mill Works

Video / Produced by The High Calling

"When I say it out loud—when I say, 'A twice-convicted felon in the state of Texas has the keys to a small business—has full access … ' I’m a signer on the checking account of all things—and yet, all that’s been required of me is surrender, to just let go and get up and do what I know is right. And here I am."

Those are Michael Morgan's words in the latest short film from The High Calling. Michael’s story is an inspiration, to be sure. He demonstrates what it means to get a second chance, what it looks like to encounter grace. In making this video, we spent several days with Michael at the mill works, amazed by his craftsmanship, his leadership, and his quiet, focused desire to create beauty in the world. As you watch Michael's story, consider your own context. What opportunities exist for you to exercise grace toward others this week?