VIDEO: What Are the Important Decisions?
Video / Produced by The High Calling
Recently, The High Calling spoke with Steve Norris, President of Norris Realty Advisors, about leadership, faith, and the realty business. It’s a hard time to work in real estate, but that isn’t stopping Steve. He continues to consult on numerous industrial, residential projects, and commercial property valuations ranging from 100K to 2.8 million square feet.
So what are the important decisions for leading a successful real estate business during hard economic times? We guarantee the answer will surprise you.
Be sure to watch all seven of our one minute leadership interviews with Steve Norris.
Transcript: The most important decisions I make as a leader are how I treat people. You know, we’re a company, we’re here to make a profit, we’re here to do good work, but really it has to do with relationships. I’m starting to sound like a broken record. In my business all I have going for me, beyond a small amount of technical expertise, is the relationships I have with my clients. Some of my clients I’ve had relationships with for 25 years. Those are the great relationships. That’s what really makes it fun is people you’ve known for a long period of time. You become comfortable with them, you know about their families, and you know about what they do. That’s all we have to trade on, but it’s all that really matters at the end of the day.
Read more about Steve Norris on his personal blog, which is part of The High Calling community.