When “Leaning In” Isn’t Enough
Blog / Produced by The High CallingIn the current bestseller Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook) tells her rise-to-the-top story while encouraging businesswomen to stop second-guessing and limiting themselves. She also urges women to form support groups, toot their own horns, and keep fear at bay.
THC community member Diane Paddison knows a few things about business—and mentoring younger women—but she blogs, consults and speaks about faith as the center of her work and relationships.
In a recent piece for Christianity Today's her.meneutics site, Paddison writes: "If you're a young woman with some sense of a call to career, know that your vocation is an invitation to know God deeply, to build community, and to step out in faith...in increasingly new ways. Sheryl Sandberg is right to say women are overdue to lose their fear; maybe another time she'll mention who makes that possible."
Paddison says prayer and her relationship to God are crucial: "If I didn't know from Christ's example and guidance, I'd know from my own stumbling that in the plate glass halls of power, only God can pull us to the right side of the unseen lines between using people as objects and seeing them as people... between human aggression and divine boldness... between risk and recklessness."
Read more.